Discover accessible, tailor-made private healthcare, designed to meet the specific needs of every member of your family.
Improve your quality of life. Doctors and healthcare professionals at Priveo Santé can help reduce the impact of mental health problems.
Our team of experienced mental health professionals, including doctors and psychotherapists, are here to support you and improve your mental well-being.
The team of mental health professionals treats various mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, and stress, to support and improve your mental well-being.
Initial fee estimates are subject to change based on your medical assessment or any additional information not previously communicated.
In a world of daily challenges, valuing mental health is essential.
Our clinic offers easy access to doctors and psychotherapists.
Find out how our mental health support can make a difference in your day-to-day.
Frequent sadness, constant fatigue, change of appetite? Emotional pressure can take a toll on your well-being.
Irritability, impulsiveness or frequent anger? These behaviors can mask underlying relationship issues.
Are you experiencing recurring negative thoughts? Social isolation and loss of interest can be indicators of a need for mental health help.
Are you feeling a loss of confidence and dark thoughts? These symptoms can be the result of trauma or PTSD. It is possible to regain balance with resources to help you.
Accessing quality mental health care should be easy.
Book an appointment with a specialized professional, either in person or online.
Benefit from a dedicated team that caters to your emotional needs and provides you with personalized advice
Making an appointment is quick and easy. Select a date and time that works for you for an online mental health consultation with a healthcare professional.
Prior to your first consultation, complete the PHQ-9 and GAD-7 questionnaires and submit them no later than 24 hours prior to your appointment.
On the day of your appointment, log in at the scheduled time to discuss your mental health concerns with our doctor or psychotherapist.
We understand that you may have questions about mental health consultations.
Feel free to browse the answers to frequently asked questions.
Yes, mental health telemedicine is just as effective as in-person consultations.
Patients receive care of the same quality, while benefiting from increased accessibility and flexibility.
This allows patients to receive the support they need, at the times that are most convenient for them.
This approach also facilitates regular follow-up and strengthens patients’ commitment to their treatment.
Yes, we offer psychiatric assessments with Mental Health Nurse Practitioners (MH-NP) on the Priveo Santé team. Our SPN-MHs carry out an in-depth mental health assessment to identify your needs and propose an appropriate care plan. They can support you in the management of various psychiatric disorders, monitor your treatment and collaborate with other health professionals, such as physicians and psychiatrists, to ensure optimal care.
Mental health services are available to adolescents from the age of 16.
This includes a variety of mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, and other emotional disorders.
Our mental health professionals are trained to work with adolescents and provide them with a safe and understanding environment.
During a telemedicine consultation with a doctor at Priveo Santé, if a treatment requiring medication is prescribed, the prescription will be sent directly to your pharmacy after the consultation. Furthermore, any additional documents, such as medical certificates or laboratory requests, will be available in your secure patient portal.
To obtain a medical form completed by your attending physician, a fee of $90.00 plus tax applies. We invite you to send us the relevant document by e-mail. Once the physician has completed the form, it will be made available to you in your patient portal. This fast, secure process makes it easy for you to manage the necessary documents for your insurer.
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